Thursday, 23 January 2014

First couple of treatment sessions

He's done it!

Tuesday was his first session, he needed to be on the couch for 40 minutes. It was his first experience of the couch moving and the drum rotating with the noises that came with it, and machines that move close to his head. He was dosed up with Benadryl to make him sleepy, and it worked as he fell asleep during his treatment! Apparently he woke up rather startled with 5 minutes left to go, so Kim the play specialist needed to count down for him, so he must have been struggling a bit. As I don't get to watch him I'll never know how easy or hard it was for him.

He also lost his first tooth today, so it was a big moment for us all. Our little boy growing up. The tooth fairy even managed to find her way all the way over to America.

The following day, again dosed up, he managed his session of 30 minutes this time. We were so proud of him. We'd been told that the first two sessions were going to be the deciding factors for whether he'd do it without the general anaesthetic. His session was an early one, so he didn't fall asleep this time, which makes me all the more impressed with him.

He got a trip to Toys 'R' Us that afternoon - I think that is what got him through those first couple of days. He was so excited - he'd never been into a store like this before!


  1. Well done Joel!! That's great news for those first couple of sessions - so pleased to hear that he's being such a good boy - you must be so proud!
    And losing his first tooth - what a milestone! Hope the tooth fairy has been kind to him ;)
    Lots of love and hugs to you all xxxx

    1. Lovely to have your comments Stel. I need to search for your e-mail. If you've still got my e-mail drop me a message so I can catch up with you properly xx

  2. Thinking of you all.
    Interesting reading on the blog - always checking for updates!
    Don't spend the Tooth Fairy's ££s all at once...
    Love and best wishes from Fabienne...xx

  3. Wow, well done Joel, you are so brave. Thinking of you all and looking forward to catching up when you return. Xx

  4. Well done Joely. Our brave boy! Love the video. William went to the Dentist on Friday and the same tooth that Joel has lost is starting to wobbly. You are going to look like you all.xxxxxx

    1. Heard William's tooth is now out! Mail us a picture to show Joel xx
